FSC Guidelines: A THREAD
General Guidelines (DOs and DONTs) :-
Here are some points to be printed in mind when you are in FSC:
- · Regarding FSC, the first thing that you need to believe in mind is that it is not like matric as most of the students suppose. They think that they will get through it as easily as they did through matric and this delusion leads students to great losses. FSC, is a bit difficult, even sometimes challenging. You have to memorize more. Syllabus is tough. Marking is strict. Your handwriting and presentation also pertain an excellent extent. An average handwriting may bring you a great score in matric but it will deceive you in FSC. You can’t score much great with an average handwriting and presentation in FSC.
- · Past papers carry a great importance in FSC. No matter you have to prepare MCQs, SQs, LQs or anything, past papers are must. You should have past papers at your finger tips.
- · You should increase your study hours in FSC in order to catch something really good. Study from the very first day. Make most of your time. Study for at least 4-6 hours on daily basis and more if required. Revise your syllabus again and again. You should be a Hafiz of books.
- · Make sure that you are doing great at college tests. Be regular at college. Don’t miss any class.
- · Be in close touch with your teachers. Discuss your problems with them. You can even get some extra homework for yourself if your teacher is cooperative enough. I used to write letters, applications, essays etc every day and my Urdu teacher would check it and give his remarks. That did me a huge advantage.
- · There is no much need of any academy unless you are not studying at a great college that is keeping the syllabus with pace and also gives regular testing sessions at the end i.e. PGC. The students in cities like DG khan only work with academies. They enroll themselves in govt. colleges and never visit it. They follow academies. Not a bad idea anyway.
- · Asses your preparation well. Compare your paper and quality of it with your senior toppers. Analyze where you stand. This is so important. Sometimes, as was my case, we get in a complex that we are doing great. We create this illusion and fantasy in our mind that our paper, our presentation is all up to the mark, while the reality is probably opposite. So you genuinely, actually, honestly need to asses yourself. Do it by anyway. Take remarks from your teachers, from your friends or even from your parents or siblings if they know about these things. The people who have a topper elder sibling must take advantage of him or her. Sometimes, the college teachers’ marking is lenient, which ultimately brings us to the conclusion that we are definitely going to top the board. Don’t just rely on marks in college tests. Work extra ordinarily!
- · Your presentation and writing skills should be great.We will describe these things in a later discussion.
- · Memorize things well. Don’t just try to be just conceptual. Most of the paper checkers prefer the book lines. If they see book lines, they love to distribute marks. However, I am not against conceptual learning. I am in the favor of it. You should must be having a conceptual approach towards the syllabus which will help you in MDCAT.
- · Keep in mind a point that there is no need of doing some extra preparation for MDCAT along with FSC. The best you can do is prepare FSC well. Remember that, FSC is 40% or 50% in the final aggregate for admission in a medical college. In FSC, try to have a look of MDCAT past papers. It will give you an idea about MDCAT. You will have an idea of how preparation of FSC can be done in order to ace MDCAT. You need to realize that your final goal is MDCAT. There are many students who score really great in FSC but can’t get through MDCAT. The reason is that they just cram all the stuff and never focus on a conceptual approach.
- · Don’t ignore Islamiyat, Pak Studies and Urdu. I repeat DON’T! These subjects matter a lot. I have seen people having full marks in science subjects but getting 75/100 in Urdu. I tell you, it will totally ruin your result. If you can score a big deal in these subjects, you may be among the board toppers.